<?php namespace Aerex\BaikalStorage\Configs; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\ArrayNodeDefinition; class TaskwarriorConfig { public function get() { $node = new ArrayNodeDefinition('taskwarrior'); $node->canBeEnabled() ->children() ->scalarNode('taskdata') ->defaultValue('~/.task') ->info('The environment variable overrides the default and the command line, and the "data.location" configuration setting of the task data directory') ->end() ->scalarNode('taskrc') ->defaultValue('~/.taskrc') ->info('The enivronment variable overrides the default and the command line specification of the .taskrc file') ->end() ->scalarNode('default_calendar') ->info('The default calendar to send tasks if no task project is set. The value is the calendar\'s displayname') ->end() ->end(); return $node; } }