<?php namespace Aerex\BaikalStorage\Storages; use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCalendar as Calendar; class Taskwarrior implements IStorage { public const NAME = 'taskwarrior'; private $tasks = []; private $configs; private $logger; public function __construct($console, $configs, $logger) { $this->console = $console; $this->configs = $configs['storages']['taskwarrior']; $this->logger = $logger; } public function getConfigBrowser() { $html = '<tr>'; $html .= '<th>taskrc</th>'; $html .= '<td>The enivronment variable overrides the default and the command line specification of the .taskrc file</td>'; $html .= '<td><input name="tw_taskrc" type="text" value="' . $this->configs['taskrc'] . '"></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<th>taskdata</th>'; $html .= '<td>The environment variable overrides the default and the command line, and the "data.location" configuration setting of the task data directory</td>'; $html .= '<td><input name="tw_taskdata" type="text" value="' . $this->configs['taskdata'] . '"></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<th>default_calendar</th>'; $html .= '<td>The default calendar to send tasks if no task project is set. The value is the calendar\'s displayname</td>'; $html .= '<td><input name="tw_default_calendar" type="text" value="' . $this->configs['default_calendar'] . '"></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; return $html; } public function updateConfigs($postData) { if (isset($postData['tw_taskrc'])) { $this->configs['taskrc'] = $postData['tw_taskrc']; } if (isset($postData['tw_taskdata'])){ $this->configs['taskdata'] = $postData['tw_taskdata']; } if (isset($postData['tw_default_calendar'])){ $this->configs['default_calendar'] = $postData['tw_default_calendar']; } return $this->configs; } public function refresh() { $this->logger->info('Syncing taskwarrior tasks...'); $this->console->execute('task', ['sync'], null, ['TASKRC' => $this->configs['taskrc'],'TASKDATA' => $this->configs['taskdata']]); $this->tasks = json_decode($this->console->execute('task', ['export'], null, ['TASKRC' => $this->configs['taskrc'], 'TASKDATA' => $this->configs['taskdata']]), true); foreach ($this->tasks as $task) { if (isset($task['uid'])) { $this->tasks[$task['uid']] = $task; } } } public function vObjectToTask($vtodo, string $displayname) { if (isset($this->tasks[(string)$vtodo->UID])) { $task = $this->tasks[(string)$vtodo->UID]; } else { $task = []; $task['uid'] = (string)$vtodo->UID; } if (isset($vtodo->SUMMARY)){ $task['description'] = (string)$vtodo->SUMMARY; } if (isset($vtodo->DESCRIPTION)) { $annotations = []; if (isset($task['annotations'])) { $annotations = $task['annotations']; } $task['annotations'] = []; $descriptionLines = explode('\n', $vtodo->DESCRIPTION); foreach ($descriptionLines as $key => $descriptionLine) { $annotationEntry = $vtodo->DTSTAMP->getDateTime()->modify("+$key second")->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { if ($annotation['description'] == $descriptionLine) { $annotationEntry = $annotation['entry']; break; } } array_push($annotations, ['description' => $descriptionLine, 'entry' => $annotationEntry]); $task['annotations'] = $annotations; } } if (!isset($task['entry'])){ $task['entry'] = $vtodo->DTSTAMP->getDateTime()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); } if (isset($vtodo->DTSTART)) { $task['start'] = $vtodo->DTSTART->getDateTime()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); } if (isset($vtodo->DTEND)){ $task['end'] = $vtodo->DTEND->getDateTime()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); } if (isset($vtodo->{'LAST-MODIFIED'})) { $task['modified'] = $vtodo->{'LAST-MODIFIED'}->getDateTime()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); } if (isset($vtodo->PRIORITY)) { $priority = $vtodo->PRIORITY->getJsonValue(); if ($priority < 5) { $task['priority'] = 'H'; } else if ($priority === 5) { $task['priority'] = 'M'; } else if ($priority > 5 && $priority < 10) { $task['priority'] = 'L'; } } if (isset($vtodo->DUE)) { $task['due'] = $vtodo->DUE->getDateTime()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); } else if (isset($task['due'])) { $task['due'] = ''; } if (isset($vtodo->RRULE)) { $rules = $vtodo->RRULE->getParts(); if (isset($rules['FREQ'])) { $task['recu'] = $rules['FREQ']; } if (isset($rules['UNTIL'])) { $task['until'] = $rules['UNTIL']; } } if (isset($vtodo->STATUS)) { switch((string)$vtodo->STATUS) { case 'NEEDS-ACTION': $task['status'] = 'pending'; break; case 'COMPLETED': $task['status'] = 'completed'; if (!isset($task['end'])) { $task['end'] = $vtodo->DTSTAMP->getDateTime()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); } break; case 'CANCELED': $task['status'] = 'deleted'; if (!isset($task['end'])) { $task['end'] = $vtodo->DTSTAMP->getDateTime()->format(\DateTime::ISO8601); } break; } } if (isset($vtodo->CATEGORIES)) { $task['tags'] = $vtodo->CATEGORIES->getJsonValue(); } if (isset($vtodo->GEO)){ $task['geo'] = $vtodo->GEO->getRawMimeDirValue(); } if ($this->configs['default_calendar'] != $displayname) { $task['project'] = $displayname; } return $task; } public function save(Calendar $c, string $displayname) { try { if (!isset($c->VTODO)){ throw new \Exception('Calendar event does not contain VTODO'); } $this->logger->info(json_encode($c->jsonSerialize())); $this->refresh(); $task = $this->vObjectToTask($c->VTODO, $displayname); $this->logger->info(json_encode($task)); $this->logger->info( sprintf('Executing TASKRC = %s TASKDATA = %s task import %s', $this->configs['taskrc'], $this->configs['taskdata'], json_encode($task)) ); $output = $this->console->execute('task', ['import'], $task, ['TASKRC' => $this->configs['taskrc'],'TASKDATA' => $this->configs['taskdata']]); $this->refresh(); $this->logger->info($output); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->error($e->getTraceAsString()); throw $e; } } public function remove($uid) { try { $this->logger->info(sprintf('Deleting iCal %s from taskwarrior', $uid)); $this->refresh(); if (!array_key_exists((string)$uid, $this->tasks)) { $this->logger->warn(sprintf('Could not find task %s to be remove. Skipping', (string)$uid)); return; } $task = $this->tasks[(string)$uid]; if (isset($task) && $task['status'] !== 'deleted') { $uuid = $task['uuid']; $this->logger->info( sprintf('Executing TASKRC = %s TASKDATA = %s task delete %s', $this->configs['taskrc'], $this->configs['taskdata'], $uuid) ); $output = $this->console->execute('task', ['delete', (string)$uuid], null, ['TASKRC' => $this->configs['taskrc'],'TASKDATA' => $this->configs['taskdata']]); $this->logger->info($output); $this->refresh(); } else if (isset($task) && $task['status'] === 'deleted') { $this->logger->warn(sprintf('Task %s has already been deleted', $task['uuid'])); } else { $this->logger->error(sprintf('Could not find task for iCal %s to be deleted', $uid)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->error($e->getMessage()); $this->logger->error($e->getTraceAsString()); throw $e; } } }