159 lines
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159 lines
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namespace Aerex\BaikalStorage\Commands;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Question\ChoiceQuestion;
use Monolog\Logger as Monolog;
use Aerex\BaikalStorage\Configs\ConfigBuilder;
class CreateConfigFileCommand extends Command {
protected $io;
protected static $defaultName = 'app:create-config';
protected static $CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'config.yaml';
protected static $LOGGER_FILE_NAME = 'log';
private $configs = [];
private $fullFilePath;
public function addtaskwarriorConfig() {
$configs = [];
$filePath = $this->io->askQuestion(new Question('Where is the location for the taskrc file?'));
$taskrcFilePath = $filePath . '/.taskrc';
if (!file_exists($taskrcFilePath)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("The taskrc file at $taskrcFilePath does not exist");
$configs['taskrc'] = $taskrcFilePath;
$filePath = $this->io->askQuestion(new Question('Where is the data location (taskdata)'));
$taskDataFilePath = $filePath;
if (!file_exists($taskDataFilePath)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("The task.data location $taskDataFilePath does not exist");
$configs['taskdata'] = $taskDataFilePath;
$displayName = $this->io->askQuestion(new Question('What is the displayname for the default calendar (e.g default)'));
$configs['default_calendar'] = isset($displayName) ? $displayName : 'default';
$this->configs['storages']['taskwarior'] = $configs;
protected function configure() {
->setDescription('Create baikal storage plugin configuration file');
protected function autocompleteFilePathCallback(string $input): array {
// Strip any characters from the last slash to the end of the string
// to keep only the last directory and generate suggestions for it
$inputPath = preg_replace('%(/|^)[^/]*$%', '$1', $input);
$inputPath = '' === $inputPath ? '.': $inputPath;
$foundFilesAndDirs = scandir($inputPath) ?: [];
// Excluded restricted directories
$restrictedDirs = ['dev', 'bin', 'boot', 'etc', 'input', 'lib',
'lib64', 'mnt', 'proc', 'run', 'sbin', 'sys', 'srv', 'usr', 'var'];
$foundSafeFileAndDirs = array_diff($foundFilesAndDirs, $restrictedDirs);
return array_map(function($dirOrFile) use ($inputPath) {
return $inputPath.$dirOrFile;
}, $foundSafeFileAndDirs);
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
$this->io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
$this->io->title('Baikal Storage Plugin Configuration Creation');
// TODO: move create config file code block to function
$question = new Question('Where to create `config.yaml` configuration file?');
$filePath = $this->io->askQuestion($question);
try {
$this->fullFilePath = $this->verifyAndCreateFile($filePath, CreateConfigFileCommand::$CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return Command::FAILURE;
$this->output->writeln("`config.yaml file created at $filePath");
return Command::SUCCESS;
protected function getStorageNames() {
$storageDir = __DIR__ . '/../Storages';
$storageFiles = scandir($storageDir);
$storages = array_values(array_filter($storageFiles, function($storageFile) use ($storageDir) {
return !preg_match('/^IStorage/', $storageFile) && !is_dir("$storageDir/$storageFile");
array_walk($storages, function(&$storage) {
$storage = strtolower(preg_replace('/\.php/', '', $storage));
return $storages;
protected function verifyAndCreateFile($filePath, $fileName) {
if (empty($filePath)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('Configuration file path cannot be empty');
if (!is_dir($filePath)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("File path $filePath does not exist");
if ((strrpos($filePath, '/') + 1) === strlen($filePath)) {
$fullFilePath = substr($filePath, 0, -1) . $fileName;
} else {
$fullFilePath = $filePath . '/' . $fileName;
if (file_exists($fullFilePath)) {
throw new \RuntimeException("The configuration file at $this->fullFilePath already exists");
return $fullFilePath;
protected function setupGeneralConfigs() {
$this->io->section('Setting up general configurations');
$this->configs['general'] = [];
if ($this->io->confirm('Enable logging?')) {
$this->configs['general']['logger'] = [];
$logFilePath = $this->io->askQuestion(new Question('Where to create log file?'));
$this->configs['general']['logger']['file'] = $this->verifyAndCreateFile($logFilePath, CreateConfigFileCommand::$LOGGER_FILE_NAME);
$logLevelChoiceQuestion = new ChoiceQuestion('Log level (defaults to ERROR)', array_keys(Monolog::getLevels()), 4);
$logLevelChoiceQuestion->setErrorMessage('Log level %s is invalid');
$logLevel = $this->io->askQuestion($logLevelChoiceQuestion);
$this->configs['general']['logger']['level'] = $logLevel;
return $this;
protected function setupStorages() {
$this->configs['storages'] = [];
$this->io->section('Setup storage configurations');
$storagesMultiSelectQuestion = new ChoiceQuestion('Select the storages to add', $this->getStorageNames());
$storagesMultiSelectQuestion->setErrorMessage('Storages %s is not supported');
$storages = $this->io->askQuestion($storagesMultiSelectQuestion);
foreach ($storages as $storage) {
$methodName = "add${storage}Config";
$storageConfigMethod = new \ReflectionMethod(CreateConfigFileCommand::class, $methodName);
return $this;
protected function saveConfigs() {
$configBuilder = new ConfigBuilder($this->fullFilePath);